The best possible innovation in sport curriculum?
20+ hours of expert content… And it’s free!
Open-source platform and the innovation series
Join us as we uncover emerging trends and topics from sport, tech, and social impact
Why are we seeing global demand for Web3 in sport and social impact?
Traditional ways of “doing good” are outdated
First of its kind Certification on Blockchain, Sport and Social Impact
Wrapping up the first cohort of the Includ3d Accelerator
The future of community sport is decentralized, transparent, and built on collaboration
All about the pioneering All In For Sport DAO
Crypto philanthropy in sport and social impact?
It takes a (growing, sprawling, emergent, open) team!
6 April - Intl. Day of Sport for Development & Peace
Things I’m optimistic and excited about this year in sport and social impact
Web 3.0 and (women’s) sport: A case for regen
What sport can learn from and be inspired by
2024, the year of “regen football”
Regen football - aligning financial, social, cultural and ecological profit
Fan tokens - first of its kind scientific study
A study on the experiences and perceptions of fan token holders
A space to discuss, challenge and debate Football x Impact x Future
Join the Evolve Football weekly community conversation on Twitter Spaces
Demystifying Web 3.0 for the sport for good sector
An article for the Sport and Dev Platform
Do FIFA and football community really care about global football?
Morocco success and real talk about football in most countries worldwide.
The inevitable question: What’s your take on Qatar?
Qatar: a platform to reflect on football and governance.
Women’s football: a sport packed with innovation
What will the future of women’s football through innovation look like?
Why, how and the impact of our free course on Web 3.0 and Sport
A perfect example of enjoying the process - the why, how and impact so far of our free introductory course on Web 3.0 and Sport.
The growth opportunity for women’s football
Innovation and creativity to awaken millions of NEW fans. But what matters to unlock this opportunity?
Free course on Web 3.0 and Sport
An introductory level course on Web 3.0, main applications in sport today, and Web 3.0 potential for women’s sport.